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Table 1 Food group classification

From: Food sources, energy and nutrient intakes of adults: 2013 Philippines National Nutrition Survey




 Adult formula (fortified milk powder)

 Dark green leafy vegetables

 Sweet bakery products

 Cow’s milk (fluid and powdered)



 Other milk




  Cabbage, green

  Sweet breads


  Local leafy/petioles/salad vegetables


Meats/Fish/other protien sources

 Deep yellow vegetables

 Ice cream, popsicles





  Sweet potato, yellow



  Cassava, yellow



  Squash fruit



  Squash, summer fruits

 Native desserts/snacks


 Starchy vegetables

 Sugar sweetened beverages


  Sweet potato

  Fruit-based beverages

 Luncheon meats/cold cuts


  Concentrated fruit juice drinks


 Other vegetables

  Powdered fruit flavored drinks


 Vegetable products/processed vegetables

  Soft drinks


Fruit & 100% fruit juice

  Chocolate/chocolate flavor beverages

Grains & Grain products


  Other sweetened beverages

 Refined rice


Mixed dishes



 Meat-based mixed dishes



 Beans-based mixed dishes



 Grain-based mixed dishes

 Pancakes, waffles, French toast

 Citrus fruits




Other foods & beverages



 Non-alcoholic beverages

 Corn grits

 100% Fruit juice

 Alcoholic beverages



 Savory snacks


 Condiments, sauces, herbs, spices, other seasonings
